Thursday, May 6, 2010

A mothers love...

Victoria was so relaxed and so totally in love with darling 7 day old  Alexandra. I had to actually blink hard and take a couple of deep breaths when she looked at her little bundle. Yes, the profound expression of love and delightment on her face for little Alexandra was that real.  So sweet.

Victoria had contacted me to let me know about her upcoming April due date, back in February.  As usual waiting was torture for me...nevermind the really excited mama-to-be!  On April 19, gorgeous, darling little Alexandra arrived and I finally got to meet them both a week later. 
What a content little angel Alexandra was, she barely made a peep and was a photographers dream with just the right amount of sleepy time and awake time. 

A mothers love is instinctual, unconditional and forever.-Unknown