Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Engagement | Oh sweet love…..

Julie and Kevin are a really cute couple who are so happy and relaxed......and they love to laugh. Who knows what they were whispering to each other to get those belly laughs and giggles, but whatever it was, it worked for us that day! My girlfriend and fellow photographer April is shooting their wedding in October, and I joined her for Julie and Kevin's engagement shoot a couple of weeks ago.

We strolled around downtown Ottawa, around the locks and the market and had so much fun capturing a little of Kevin and Julie’s ‘togetherness’ through our lenses.

Enjoy, and leave some love for them in the comment box!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Sister Sweetness

I have not blogged in forever, and with the upcoming wedding season and the need for photographers everywhere to blog (amongst other things ‘social-media’ wise) I thought this would be a good time to get back on track. To get into the swing of things, a little blogging about the most recent additions to our family is long overdue and a good place to start.

I shot a maternity session for each of my beautiful, ballooning sisters. Alexis was pregnant with her first child, and Andrea with her third, and we had a lot of fun. Andrea would have my head if I posted any of her pictures from her 3rd trimester session but I am allowed to put up a picture from when she was five months preggie, and that is IT!

First is the session I did with Alexis, on her DUE DATE, I might add, in all her beautiful-mamma-to-be-glory! Then the results of the long wait…. two beautiful little girls, whom I adore. Alexis and Cory had Lilly May and Andrea and Marc had Zoe Evelyn.

Alexis on her due date.

Lilly, just a day old still in the hospital.

Andrea, 5 months pregnant with Zoe.

Zoe, when she was a week old.

Zoe at almost 5 months.